FAQ - Land Sales - General

How do I claim Land during City Launches?

During a City Launch, you will be able to use Flags to claim Land in the NEXUS World Viewer by navigating to the city of your choice under the CITY SALES tab in the left navigation bar. The sale is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Is the Land rarity preset, or will the number of Flags we plant determine its rarity?

Land rarity is preset and distributed randomly throughout NEXUS World using an algorithm. In the NEXUS World Viewer, you can differentiate Lands of different rarities by their color code.

What is the Land selection process?

You can find out more here.

When will the City Launch roadmap be available to the public?

Our first City Launch took place in December 2022. The other cities will be announced in stages.

How does Affyn decide when and which cities are launched?

We will consider where our core community is majorly located, where Land has been sold, and where it makes sense to roll the game out gradually.

Please note that details about NEXUS World Land may be updated at the discretion of Affyn

Last updated