Understanding and Mitigating Impermanent Loss

The $FYN Liquidity Program provides an enticing opportunity for users to earn transaction fees while contributing to the growth of the $FYN ecosystem. However, along with the potential rewards come questions about impermanent loss, a concept that can be intimidating for newcomers.

What is Impermanent Loss?

Impermanent loss occurs when you deposit assets into a decentralized liquidity pool, commonly used in decentralized exchanges¹ (DEXs) and automated market makers² (AMMs). As users perform trades, the value of your deposited assets changes relative to each other.

While you earn a percentage of the transaction fees, this dynamic can also lead to impermanent loss if the prices move significantly outside your expected range. This happens because the pool automatically adjusts to maintain a specific ratio between the assets, potentially altering the value of your initial deposit compared to holding them individually.

This phenomenon is considered "impermanent" because the loss only materializes when you withdraw your funds.

Mitigating Impermanent Loss

The following strategies can help you navigate impermanent loss and maximize your benefits in the $FYN Liquidity Program:

Provide liquidity for the full range:

Providing liquidity for the full price range minimizes the risk of impermanent loss, albeit at the cost of lower fee gains. By providing liquidity for the full range of prices, you can minimize impermanent loss by capturing a more extensive spectrum of market movements.

Diversify your liquidity across different price range concentrations:

Spread your $FYN liquidity across multiple pools with different price range concentrations. This balances the higher earning potential of narrow ranges with the broader range's stability, creating a resilient portfolio against impermanent loss. This strategy allows for a more balanced exposure to market fluctuations and reduces the impact of impermanent loss during volatile periods.

Actively manage your liquidity:

In Uniswap V3, you have the ability to actively manage and reposition liquidity within predefined price ranges. Monitoring market conditions and adjusting liquidity accordingly enables you to respond to changing dynamics, optimizing your positions and mitigating impermanent loss.

Diversify and manage your $FYN portfolio:

In addition to diversifying liquidity across different price ranges, you should also diversify your overall $FYN portfolio. By not putting 100 percent of your $FYN into the $FYN Liquidity program, you can further mitigate the impact of impermanent loss associated with providing liquidity.


While impermanent loss may seem daunting, understanding its mechanics and implementing these strategies allows you to minimize potential loss and maximize your rewards, contributing to the growth of the $FYN ecosystem while earning lucrative bonuses.

¹ A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a blockchain-based platform that enables peer-to-peer trading of digital assets directly between users without the need for an intermediary or centralized authority.

² An automated market maker (AMM) is a decentralized financial protocol that utilizes algorithmic formulas and smart contracts to facilitate continuous and automated trading, enabling users to trade against a liquidity pool without the need for a traditional order book.

Last updated